Continuing on from where we left off last time, we will try to cover off the rest of F#’s features that play really well and simply when being consumed from a C# codebase.


F# can have values places directly inside modules, almost ‘global’ values in the module. See an example below :-

module FunctionalParadigms
    let aNumber = 5

As we know from the last post, modules expose themselves as static classes in C#. As such, this value just becomes a static readonly property of that static class. As such, C# can consume it as follows.

var num = FunctionalParadigms.aNumber;


Functions are quite core to F# and functional programming in case you hadn’t guessed. So surely they should be easy enough to consume from C#? The answer here is kind of, if you stick with using types as parameters and not pass around functions (which is normal in F#). The following example takes a string and returns its length (very trivial I know)

module FunctionalParadigms =
    let aFunction (string:string) =

It is consumed by C# as a static function on a static class :-

var strLength = FunctionalParadigms.aFunction("Thing"); // Returns 5


F# uses a lot of sequences. It is exposed to C# using the IEnumerable interface and as such can be treated as one without any issues.

Discriminated Union

Discriminated Unions in F# are a ‘choice type’. They act in slightly different ways depending on how they are used. if we define one of them using integers, It will compile down to a C# enum type. And example is as follows :-

type LogLevels =
    | Error = 1
    | Warning = 2
    | Info = 3

Compiles sown to C# as this :-

public enum LogLevels
    Error = 1,
    Warning = 2,
    Info = 3

However, if we use any types within the Discriminated Union, it will create almost ‘factory functions’ for the sub-types. For Example:

type OtherLogLevels =
    | Error of int
    | Warning of struct(int * string)
    | Info of string

Gets the following interface in C#:

public abstract class OtherLogLevels : IEquatable<OtherLogLevels>, IStructuralEquatable, IComparable<OtherLogLevels>, IComparable, IStructuralComparable
    public bool IsInfo { get; }
    public bool IsWarning { get; }
    public bool IsError { get; }
    public int Tag { get; }

    public static OtherLogLevels NewError(int item);
    public static OtherLogLevels NewInfo(string item);
    public static OtherLogLevels NewWarning((int, string) item);
    public sealed override int CompareTo(OtherLogLevels obj);
    public sealed override int CompareTo(object obj);
    public sealed override int CompareTo(object obj, IComparer comp);
    public sealed override bool Equals(object obj);
    public sealed override bool Equals(object obj, IEqualityComparer comp);
    public sealed override bool Equals(OtherLogLevels obj);
    public sealed override int GetHashCode();
    public sealed override int GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comp);
    public override string ToString();

    public static class Tags
        public const int Error = 0;
        public const int Warning = 1;
        public const int Info = 2;
    public class Warning : OtherLogLevels
        public (int, string) Item { get; }
    public class Error : OtherLogLevels
        public int Item { get; }
    public class Info : OtherLogLevels
        public string Item { get; }


As F# hates the idea of null, it has a special type called unit. however, this means it effectively becomes interchangeable. If a F# function receives a unit, you will likely pass a null. And if a Unit is the return type from a F# function, in C# it interops as returning void. Simples.


I don’t have anything clever to say here. It’s an array…


This bring me to the end of the “works really well” section of these blog posts. Next post will still be in the F# – C# Interop space, but will focus on thing that work… with few work-arounds.